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A correspondent writes recently "that if God did not give...
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A correspondent writes recently "that if God did not give man the gift of healing, he would have poor results from Christian Science alone." It can properly be said that if God did not give man the gift of healing, we should not have Christian Science, for Christian Science is the demonstrable knowledge of God's law and of its applicability to human needs.
Christian healing is not a new invention, nor is it a supernatural gift to a few of God's chosen ones. When God created man in His own image and gave him dominion over all the earth, He endowed him with spiritual power which heals. Many cases of healing are recorded in the Bible both before and after Jesus' time. The early Christians continued this healing as late as 300 A. D., when it was lost, not because God had withdrawn His power, but because the clouds of materialism had so darkened the vision of the people that they were unable to demonstrate it. From that time not much healing work was done until the year 1866, when this most practical feature of primitive Christianity was reclaimed and reinstated by Mrs. Eddy through the discovery of Christian Science. In order that all who will may regain possession of their God–given dominion over sin and sickness, she has elucidated rules for the demonstration of this Science and given them to the world in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and thousands of faithful and obedient students have signified their possession of God's healing power by the signs which Jesus said should follow them that believe.
Christian Scientists never describe disease, but they heal it through the understanding of God's power over it. Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 418): "It must be clear to you that sickness is no more the reality of being than is sin. This mortal dream of sickness, sin, and death should cease through Christian Science. Then one disease would be as readily destroyed as another."
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July 26, 1919 issue
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Name as Character or Nature
The Wednesday Evening Offering
Falling Stars
"On upward wing"
The Shepherd
"Love oak"
To say or imply that Christian Science is "made in...
Aaron E. Brandt
The contributor of "Talks on Health" is either ignorant...
Charles M. Shaw
A correspondent writes recently "that if God did not give...
George C. Eames
I believe the practice of calling on the churches to close...
Rev. F. C. Williams
Public health officials, according to a Columbus press...
Harry Vandegrift
A correspondent writes that "Christian Scientists are...
Katherine English
Leaven and its Perversion
William P. McKenzie
Christian Churches
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Fred J. Stevens, Perry Reetler, G. Allison Holland, O. H. Wilcox, George E. Fuller, F. W. Fearnsides, Benjamin R. Kobey, O. B. Baldwin, Warren C. Klein, Ruth B. Ewing, J. W. Jones, W. C. Blackburn
Having been the recipient of many blessings through the...
Howard G. Dirlam
My life up to the time I found Christian Science was...
Harriet Reynolds
It is now more than twenty years since the light of...
C. Lilias Ramsay
Some six years ago I suffered from a state of extreme exhaustion,...
Charlotte Paulsen
My first healing through Christian Science came when...
Florence Haimbaugh
With a grateful heart I give this testimony...
B. E. Parker
Christian Science was presented to me over twenty years...
Emma B. Westcott
I want to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Julia M. Stahl
It is with pleasure that I send my testimony of the...
Lizzie Myler Angell
Christian Science has been to me during ten years a...
Florence Foote King
Signs of the Times
with contributions from A. J. Gordon