Christ Jesus
was transcendently unique in the assertion of an exalted individualism,—his sinlessness, his perfect exemplariness, his authority, his power, and his right to the unquestioning obedience and devotion of men.
Master said, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven," thus plainly showing the lack of wisdom in forgetting all the tender ties of our childhood.
a lover of flowers, shrubs, and trees, especially in their natural or wild state, the writer has long been impressed by the earliest spring flower that appears in certain sandy or rocky localities.
To material philosophy evolution has been a ready theory with which to explain many things concerning creation,—and still leave the subject where it was in the beginning.
"The man about town" has recently referred to Christian Science as a kind of "fatalism" whose adherents "believe in letting a cold have its run without doing anything for it.
The title of a lecture, "Mind the Cause and Cure of Disease," as reported in the Times, can serve to differentiate mental healing, as the doctor spoke of it, and Christian Science; because Mind, as defined in Christian Science, is God, divine Love, who does not cause disease, nor sin, nor any evil.
"I wish to express my gratitude for the activity afforded me by the War Relief fund of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, U.
It is with a sense of deep gratitude that I testify to the blessings received through the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
I accepted the teachings of Christian Science as the truth about ten years ago, because of the healing of my mother, who at that time was pronounced by two physicians as past all help, unless an operation could be performed, which they said could not be done because of her age.
With a heart overflowing with gratitude to God for the numerous blessings that have come to me and mine through Christian Science, I give my testimony.
Minnie Fuchs
with contributions from Elizabeth H. Somers
As I have had the privilege of reading a great many testimonies, I would like to add one more to those already given in the Christian Science periodicals.
I took up Christian Science after the doctor said he could do no more for me, and with the aid of a practitioner I was healed both mentally and physically.
A short time ago, after a Wednesday evening meeting, a gentleman asked if I did not think it would be of great benefit if more testimonies were given of what Christian Science can do for business men.
I am indeed happy to be living in the age of Christian Science, and thankful to God for all the benefits I have received since taking up the study of this teaching.
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