How frequently the spirit of restful confidence finds expression in the psalmist's references to God as a "rock," as the immovable basis of faith, assurance, and joy! In all the exigencies of temptation and distress this fact is ever recognized as the one sure thing, the eternal refuge.
students of Christian Science we may well desire to gain as clear an insight as is possible into the character of the man who from among all others gained for himself that wondrous title, "The disciple whom Jesus loved.
experiences in the den of lions have held the interest of mankind for centuries; but when understood in the light which Christian Science sheds upon them, they are seen to be surcharged with possibilities for present day achievement and demonstration.
Christian Science must be accomplishing its healing mission in your community, else why should a medical doctor pay for three and a half columns in which to abuse it and vilify its Founder?
There seems to be an almost irresistible tendency in some quarters to refer to Christian Science in such a way as to intimate that it is not truly scientific, and to try to confuse it with suggestion, hypnotism, and other questionable mental practices.
For the enlightenment of one whose letter entitled "Transcendental Thinking" appeared in a recent issue, permit me to state that Christianity as Jesus taught it and as Mrs.
In order to be better prepared to give spiritual help in the Army and Navy through Christian Science literature and in other ways, it is desired to secure the names and present complete mail address of all officers and enlisted men in the service of the United States and of its allies who are Christian Scientists or who have shown an interest in Christian Science.
with contributions from Charles H. Hale, Lester B. McCoun, Llewelyn Roberts, W. R. Ronald, Theodore A. Chelson, C. S. Older, Alice Charlesworth, Oscar J. Duke, Harry E. Duer, Robert R. Pratt
John Sidney Braithwaite will be free to lecture in Great Britain and Ireland during the months of January, Feburary, and March, 1918; and in the United States and Canada from April 20 to June 30, 1918.
I wish to add my testimony to the many recorded to the credit of the divine Principle underlying Christian Science and the healing work connected therewith.
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with contributions from Charles H. Hale, Lester B. McCoun, Llewelyn Roberts, W. R. Ronald, Theodore A. Chelson, C. S. Older, Alice Charlesworth, Oscar J. Duke, Harry E. Duer, Robert R. Pratt