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Items of Interest
President Wilson, on recommendation of Secretary Lane, recently eliminated about seven hundred and fifty thousand acres of land from the Cleveland national forest, Cal. The unwithdrawn drawn lands will be subject to settlement only under the homestead laws, beginning at 9 o'clock on the morning of Nov. 2, until and including Nov. 29, 1915, after which they will be subject to be taken up under the laws applicable thereto. The lands, which are rolling in character and covered mainly with chaparral, lie along the boundaries of the national forest in Riverside and San Diego counties in southern California, within the Los Angeles land district, and about three hundred and thirty-three thousand acres thereof are public lands and subject to entry.
The department of agriculture at Washington is making a highly interesting and thus far successful experiment in the publication of a daily market news service covering the movement of perishable crops. The purpose is to aid in the work of distribution, and thus encourage a lowering of retail prices to the consumer. This new service has not yet been made a permanent feature of the activities of the department, but is available by wire and mail to all who care for it. Six telegraph wires run direct into the headquarters of the department's office of markets. During the present summer four crops have been made the subject of this system of reports,—the strawberry, tomato, cantaloupe, and peach. Work on the last two is still under way.
The operation of electric trains for passengers between Philadelphia and Paoli, Pa., was inaugurated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Sept. 11. For the present the electric service will be limited to four round trips a day, the remainder of the schedule being continued with steam trains. As soon as practicable, however, more electric trains will be added and the steam service discontinued. The work of electrifying the main line between Broad street station and Paoil, a distance of twenty miles, consumed more than two years and cost approximately four million dollars.
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September 25, 1915 issue
View Issue-
What Leadeth to Repentance
Spirit the Only Attraction
Seven Churches of the Apocalypse
"Stationary power"
"Joy cometh in the morning"
Love's Gift
I ask your indulgence upon my observation of the lecture...
George F. Chase
The difference of belief between the idealism of Christian Science...
Thorwald Siegfried
"Heal the sick"
Archibald McLellan
Efficient Forgetting
John B. Willis
Finding One's Self
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frank Conklin, Carrington Howard, A. B. Harris, Robert C. Hayes
I have been interested in Christian Science about three...
John B. Howe with contributions from Robert M. Howe
With gratitude I give my testimony of healing in Christian Science
Rebecca E. Hays with contributions from J. F. Hays
As I was led to take up the study of Christian Science...
J. M. Stoddard with contributions from Joseph M. Stoddard
Some years ago I was at a standstill in my position
Gordon E. Musselman
Gratitude prompts me to send in these lines as a testimony...
Hermine Boehmer
I have experienced so many proofs of the power of Truth...
Clara Cantonwine with contributions from R. C. Bade
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Sarah L. Busby
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell