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I have long desired to tell what Christian Science has done...
I have long desired to tell what Christian Science has done for me and mine. Three years ago my son, who was twelve years of age, became suddenly ill. We thought he had sprained his ankle, as there was acute inflammation and swelling, so we did our best in Christian Science for a few days. Then we saw the case was critical and I consented to call a doctor, thinking Christian Science treatment could be taken up afterward. The doctor, however, ordered the boy sent to the hospital, where he was immediately operated on for the removal of diseased bone and an abscess. A poisoned condition of the blood followed, and for several days he lay in a semiconscious state. At length all hope of his recovery was given up and I was sent for. He was then unconscious. At last I called on a Christian Science practitioner for aid. She advised me to sit beside the child and read Science and Health and she would treat him.
When I went to the hospital, to mortal sense my son seemed to be passing away, but I clung to the truth and knew that disease could not stop the manifestation of Life, for God was his life. In a short time, to the surprise of the nurses, he was able to recognize my voice as I read to him. One nurse afterward told me that it was no human aid which restored the lad that day, and she asked permission to read my copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. When the boy was admitted to the hospital he was asked his religion. He said he was a Christian Scientist, and this fact was recorded on a card at the head of his bed, as is the rule with all the patients. He began to show signs of recovery, but in three weeks the trouble appeared on the other leg and another operation promptly took place. These operations were regarded as extremely painful, and directly he began to rally after one, another would be considered necessary on a different part of the body, until about eight were performed in as many months. The doctors when asked not to operate would say, "If you can tell me how to remove diseased bone without cutting and scraping it out, do so," and the operations went on, till the child seemed about to pass away; but even then another operation was expected.
One Sunday the Lesson-Sermon was "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced," and the first reader's selection from the Bible was from the seventh and eighth chapters of Exodus, where the magicians failed to do all the works of Moses and acknowledged, "This is the finger of God." From that moment I determined to take my child home, and notified the doctor of my intention. He asked me if I realized what I was doing, and spoke of the seriousness of the case, saying that I was going against the advice of the medical staff and must sign a paper to that effect, adding that they might refuse to readmit the patient, The nurses and all were deeply concerned at my act. The doctor had said it would be impossible for inexperienced hands to dress the numerous wounds, as I could easily realize when I saw my son's body. The district nurses therefore came daily to do this until I could do it myself.
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September 25, 1915 issue
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What Leadeth to Repentance
Spirit the Only Attraction
Seven Churches of the Apocalypse
"Stationary power"
"Joy cometh in the morning"
Love's Gift
I ask your indulgence upon my observation of the lecture...
George F. Chase
The difference of belief between the idealism of Christian Science...
Thorwald Siegfried
"Heal the sick"
Archibald McLellan
Efficient Forgetting
John B. Willis
Finding One's Self
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frank Conklin, Carrington Howard, A. B. Harris, Robert C. Hayes
I have been interested in Christian Science about three...
John B. Howe with contributions from Robert M. Howe
With gratitude I give my testimony of healing in Christian Science
Rebecca E. Hays with contributions from J. F. Hays
As I was led to take up the study of Christian Science...
J. M. Stoddard with contributions from Joseph M. Stoddard
Some years ago I was at a standstill in my position
Gordon E. Musselman
Gratitude prompts me to send in these lines as a testimony...
Hermine Boehmer
I have experienced so many proofs of the power of Truth...
Clara Cantonwine with contributions from R. C. Bade
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Sarah L. Busby
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell