I desire to express my heartfelt thanks for all that Christian Science...

I desire to express my heartfelt thanks for all that Christian Science has done for me. I was very delicate from childhood, and for thirteen years before hearing of Christian Science was confined to my bed every winter with what materia medica called nervous prostration and lung trouble. Finally, when acquaintances had given me up and I was, according to my own thought, about to pass on, a friend left some Christian Science literature at my door. I read of the healing work and reached out for help. A practitioner was called and after two treatments I arose from bed and was able to go about. I had worn glasses constantly from childhood, but since then have done so only when reading. After three months of study I gained strength and the coughing entirely stopped.

I then found a little society where the Lesson-Sermon was read every Sunday, and received a healing every time I attended, the ailments passing to their native nothingness. After enjoying good health for about a year, I fell and severely injured my wrist. Acquaintances recommended that a surgeon set and replace the bones, and advised against trusting to Christian Science; but I did not bind up the wrist in any way, and by trusting to Truth and reading persistently, knowing that all things are possible to God, it was perfectly healed within two months.

I want also to tell of a healing from grief following the passing on of a sister. I had gone to church, but became so oppressed with grief that it seemed as if it would be impossible to remain through the singing of the first hymn; yet I felt I could not face the audience, so managed to stay, working for myself. When the second hymn, which was written by our Leader, was sung I was able to join in the verse beginning, "Oh! make me glad for every scalding tear" (Hymnal, p. 240), and there followed a sweet sense of peace, and I was completely healed. My healing has been permanent. I am sixty-eight years old and have walked one and a quarter miles every day to work at the Christian Science reading-room for nearly three years. When error tries to tempt me, I know where my help comes from and am well again. I could not turn back, for there is nothing to turn back to. I cannot express my gratitude for what our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has done for us.

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September 25, 1915

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