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As I was led to take up the study of Christian Science...
As I was led to take up the study of Christian Science through reading a testimony in the Sentinel, mine is sent in the hope that it may be the means of bringing some poor sufferer to health, happiness, and God.
In February, 1910, I was taken ill, and gradually grew worse until July, when our physician advised me to go to Seattle for the summer to escape the hot weather, and also because the change of climate might be beneficial. Upon arriving in that city we decided to try another kind of treatment in which I had great faith at that time. The first two weeks there was considerable improvement, but I suddenly became worse and was confined to my bed. All that doctors and loved ones could do seemed of no avail, and after spending three months there I was taken home, worse than when I went away. That winter I was absolutely helpless, with the exception of being able to move myself a little in bed. I did not suffer much pain but seemed to be completely exhausted, the slightest exertion leaving me weaker.
In March, 1911, a friend sent me a Sentinel containing a testimony from a lady whose case was similar to mine, and I at once said that if Christian Science healed her, it would me. My husband immediately wrote to a practitioner in Spokane, and I began to improve with the first treatment. At first I was not able to read, so my husband spent all his spare time reading Science and Health to me, and soon was as deeply interested in it as I. The healing came slowly, but I had read enough to know I had found what I had long been looking for,—a God who is Love and an ever present help. The first of June we went to Spokane, where we could talk with the practitioner and attend church. I was then able to sit up only a few minutes each day, but from that time on the gain was rapid, so much so that when I returned home, six weeks later, all who had known my previous condition were surprised.
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September 25, 1915 issue
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What Leadeth to Repentance
Spirit the Only Attraction
Seven Churches of the Apocalypse
"Stationary power"
"Joy cometh in the morning"
Love's Gift
I ask your indulgence upon my observation of the lecture...
George F. Chase
The difference of belief between the idealism of Christian Science...
Thorwald Siegfried
"Heal the sick"
Archibald McLellan
Efficient Forgetting
John B. Willis
Finding One's Self
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Frank Conklin, Carrington Howard, A. B. Harris, Robert C. Hayes
I have been interested in Christian Science about three...
John B. Howe with contributions from Robert M. Howe
With gratitude I give my testimony of healing in Christian Science
Rebecca E. Hays with contributions from J. F. Hays
As I was led to take up the study of Christian Science...
J. M. Stoddard with contributions from Joseph M. Stoddard
Some years ago I was at a standstill in my position
Gordon E. Musselman
Gratitude prompts me to send in these lines as a testimony...
Hermine Boehmer
I have experienced so many proofs of the power of Truth...
Clara Cantonwine with contributions from R. C. Bade
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Sarah L. Busby
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from R. J. Campbell