His Excellency the Governor-General, Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, on his first official visit to South Australia, took the opportunity to become acquainted with the conditions in the state as regards afforestation.
To those students of Christian Science who find themselves confronted by what seem to be insurmountable difficulties, there may be found much comfort in the thought of the spiritual advantage to be gained under such circumstances, for the more difficult the material condition may seem, the more obvious is the need of greater spiritual understanding; the darker the way the more need of light.
Christian Scientists recognize that their one supreme endeavor should be to lessen the sum total of human misery, want, and woe, and they well know that this can be accomplished only through an exact, scientific knowledge of God and His divine Christ.
Instead of Christian Science denying that the Bible is inspired, it makes the spiritual truths contained in this Book of books the fundamental basis of its teaching.
The implication that Christian Science teaches the ignoring of sin, and that this would mean the indulgence of it, must arise from grave misunderstanding of what Christian Science really does teach concerning sin.
Personally I have had some experience with Christian Science,—enough, at any rate, to know that it has no connection whatsoever with the species of mesmerism or aggressive mental suggestion described in your editorial as related to it.
May I be allowed to correct the false impression of Christian Science conveyed in a critic's remark that "one need not be a Christian Scientist to know that a man with a strong effort of will can stave off a cold or influenza.
ye doers of the word, and not hearers only," was the counsel of the apostle James to the early Christian church, counsel that is equally applicable to professed Christians in all ages and which if heeded would have revolutionized the world long since.
witnesses more surely to the nobler nature, the higher possibilities of a man, than the fact that he is made happier and better when he comes into the presence of a little child.
Christian Science
teaches people in a wonderfully instructive way how to think rightly and to some purpose about themselves and others, indeed about all things.
We wish to express our gratitude to Christian Science for the many demonstrations of healing in our family, but more especially for the healing of our little boy, five years old, of a most severe case of infantile paralysis.
In submitting the following account regarding my severe illness, and subsequent recovery through Christian Science, I would like to say that I am ready to subscribe to any of my statements and willing to give more specific information if so desired.
Since taking up the study of Christian Science I have been freed from a number of physical ailments, and am glad to testify that whatever improvement has been accomplished in that or any other direction is due entirely to this agency.
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