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I came to Christian Science as simply and trustingly as a...
I came to Christian Science as simply and trustingly as a little child, for I knew absolutely nothing of its meaning. I had suffered from stomach disorder all my life, although I had been treated by many doctors, had changed climates, and had sought every known means of relief. I had given up any hope of ever being well. Finally I began to have a severe pain in my right side. This lasted for several months, until one evening in December, 1910, I was in such agony that my husband called the doctor, who gave me medicine which quieted me; but I suffered terribly for six days. The doctor, one of the best surgeons and physicians in Seattle, sent me to the hospital, and there three nurses, besides this doctor and his assistant, worked over me forty-eight hours to give me relief. I never tasted even a drop of water, though I begged for it. The suffering was intense. At the end of five days the doctor said an operation was necessary, as I had gall-stones in the worst form known to medical science, and appendicitis with it; also that I could not live long without an operation.
When my husband came to see me that evening we talked the matter over, and I told him I could not and would not be operated on. Something seemed to keep telling me I would get well without an operation, and instead of listening to the doctor and nurses I begged to go home. The doctor was very angry and said it was like committing suicide. He thought, however, that I would call for him in a few days to perform the operation, but he begged me not to wait too long. I am happy to say that I have never called a doctor since or asked the advice of one. A kind friend took me home in her automobile. I was as one at sea and lost, for I knew not what to do or to whom to look for help; I was distressed and suffering all the time, consequently I was willing to try anything any of my friends recommended.
I then wrote to my younger sister in Moscow, Idaho, telling her of my condition and the doctor's verdict. Her daughter had been sick many years, and had been operated on by this same doctor, but still was not well. Unknown to me, however, she was now taking Christian Science treatment. She came to my rescue, urging me to try Christian Science, and saying that she was getting well; and I may add that she is in better health now than she ever was. She also sent me a copy of the Journal, which I read and reread but could not seem to understand. I felt that Christian Science was jsut what I wanted and needed, and said so to my husband; nevertheless I lingered until well on in February, when my husband came home and found me just able to talk, apparently to human sense passing away. His anxiety seemed to awaken me somewhat when he said, "Oh, I wish you had gone to a Christian Scientist." I wished so, too, and promised that if God would spare my life till the next day I would go.
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October 16, 1915 issue
View Issue-
Our Dependence
"Hold fast that which is good"
Relying upon Divine Counsel
Temptation Overcome
Gratitude and Healing
An evangelist who visited Waterloo recently took occasion...
John L. Rendall
An editorial referring to recent abnormal and inhuman...
Brigman C. Odom
In a letter appearing in a recent issue the writer recommends...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Our brother says, "It has heretofore been the method of...
F. Elmo Robinson
The kindly spirit of your comment on the large attendance...
Thorwald Siegfried
Our Home
The Healing Word
Archibald McLellan
"The Lamb of God"
Annie M. Knott
"As thyself"
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Mayor Barrett, C. H. Connick, Grover C. Walker, John D. Mackay
Four years ago it was my privilege to become acquainted...
Walter W. Gibbons
I came to Christian Science as simply and trustingly as a...
Mary A. Proctor Jamison
I wish to express my deep gratitude for the many blessings...
Sara Elizabeth Brandow
I came to Christian Science for the healing alone, for I...
Kate E. Schwing
I have been healed by divine Love through Christian Science...
Marian L. Osgood
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from William Elliot Griffis, Gaston W. Duncan, Frank J. Thompson