is not an uncommon experience to come in contact with one who, having tried the recommendations and precautions of materia medica up to a point where both endurance and patience ceased to be a virtue, has reluctantly perchance, but determinedly, turned to Christian Science with a faint hope that the relief he has so far failed to obtain in the older and seemingly more pronounced school of healing might be forthcoming in the new, yet reserving to himself the alternative that in an emergency or an apparent crisis he could resort to a highly attenuated material remedy to further the work of metaphysical treatment.
That was a very generous and at the same time sagacious act on the part of the ever esteemed and exemplary Commercial, to wit, its publication in so thorough a manner of Professor Hering's address on Christian Science at the Teck Theater.
An editorial referring to recent abnormal and inhuman acts of a certain individual says, "This victim of a deranged mind held many views in common with the teachings of Christian Science.
Our brother says, "It has heretofore been the method of scientists and philosophers to observe the facts of nature and of history, and formulate laws and principles in harmony with the facts.
The kindly spirit of your comment on the large attendance at a recent lecture on the subject of Christian Science is appreciated by Christian Scientists.
golden beech and cedar tree,The lily and the rose,The all-o'erfolding azure dome,—Each gift Thou dost disposeWhere it may best reflect Thy thoughtAnd make of Thy vast universeA home that knows no tear;Truth's changeless law the corner-stoneAnd Love the atmosphere.
is a stock criticism of Christian Science that too much attention is given by the adherents of this religion to the exploitation of the healing of the sick.
spiritual signification of Scripture, rising above the material, is illustrated in the first chapter of the fourth gospel, where we find John's characterization of Jesus in these words : "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
all the confusions of Christian belief, the timidities and manifest uncertainties of the many who are sincerely seeking to be guided of God, it still remains true that the divine address to human sense is so specific as to render the misapprehension of essential duties quite impossible.
Four years ago it was my privilege to become acquainted with the truth as revealed in Christian Science, and it has wrought such a wonderful change in my consciousness, and therefore in my life, that I take this opportunity of expressing through our periodicals my deep gratitude for all the good I have received.
After many years of effort in search of health I was told by a doctor whose remedies I had tried in vain, that owing to the long standing of my trouble, the symptoms were due to my mental attitude and could not be reached by materia medica.
I have been healed by divine Love through Christian Science of many ailments that seemed small, and have been lifted out of many sins that did not seem small.
I had been interested in Christian Science for a number of years and had received help for a mental trouble, but did not fully realize the physical healing until our son was almost instantly healed of a very serious attack of throat trouble and later of a bowel disorder.
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