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After many years of effort in search of health I was told...
After many years of effort in search of health I was told by a doctor whose remedies I had tried in vain, that owing to the long standing of my trouble, the symptoms were due to my mental attitude and could not be reached by materia medica. This turned my search into the mental realm to learn that fear, anger, worry, and the like, are the underlying causes of our trouble, but I found no practicable method whereby to eliminate them from consciousness. It was when I was without a ray of hope,—having some knowledge of discordant thinking and its dire effects on the body but no knowledge of a way to escape it, and standing between the twin terrors, physical decline and mental breakdown,—that Mrs. Eddy's work was brought to my attention. I read Science and Health and immediately there was a great change in me, and later with the help of a kind practitioner and good friends I was led wisely and quietly on in this to me new field of endeavor. Six and a half years have passed, years full of patience and hope while wrestling with the problems of life. My daily occupation is no longer approached in a sick and half-hearted way, but instead I am full of health and ability to perform whatever I am called upon to do. During this time I have been entirely free from any desire for intoxicants, tobacco, or drugs. Fear, anger, and worry have in some degree been overcome, resulting in greater freedom and calmness.
To enumerate the many ways I have been benefited would consume too much space. Early in my investigation of Christian Science I heard a testimony at a Wednesday evening meeting which inspired me with great hope. It was given by a teacher of violin who told of his inability to appear in public and remain calm and self-possessed, until Christian Science freed him from this condition. As a student of violin, handicapped by a similar affliction and an additional great fear of overstudy and overwork, I failed absolutely as far as professional work was concerned, but this testimony brought me hope and stimulated me to go on. I soon came to realize that a great desire to know more of the Science of Life had taken possession of me. This has since been the more important issue, and in proportion to my effort to apply its Principle, I have been rewarded. My general health is better than at any time in my life, as I was frail from childhood. I never thought it possible to realize such freedom of mind and body.
Words seem powerless to express my deep gratitude. I can only follow the great multitude of beneficiaries before me in reiterating my appreciation of Mrs. Eddy's great work, which has made it possible for mankind now to acquaint themselves with spiritual law and be at peace.
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October 16, 1915 issue
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Our Dependence
"Hold fast that which is good"
Relying upon Divine Counsel
Temptation Overcome
Gratitude and Healing
An evangelist who visited Waterloo recently took occasion...
John L. Rendall
An editorial referring to recent abnormal and inhuman...
Brigman C. Odom
In a letter appearing in a recent issue the writer recommends...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Our brother says, "It has heretofore been the method of...
F. Elmo Robinson
The kindly spirit of your comment on the large attendance...
Thorwald Siegfried
Our Home
The Healing Word
Archibald McLellan
"The Lamb of God"
Annie M. Knott
"As thyself"
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Mayor Barrett, C. H. Connick, Grover C. Walker, John D. Mackay
Four years ago it was my privilege to become acquainted...
Walter W. Gibbons
I came to Christian Science as simply and trustingly as a...
Mary A. Proctor Jamison
I wish to express my deep gratitude for the many blessings...
Sara Elizabeth Brandow
I came to Christian Science for the healing alone, for I...
Kate E. Schwing
I have been healed by divine Love through Christian Science...
Marian L. Osgood
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from William Elliot Griffis, Gaston W. Duncan, Frank J. Thompson