The provisional committee charged with perfecting plans for the national exposition to be held near Valparaiso next year, has issued a statement setting forth the reasons the republic has for undertaking a work of such a magnitude as the enterprise in view.
of the dearest memories of childhood is that of the mother as a story-teller, and in thought the narratives still stand, just as clearly as when she told them; every detail, every thrilling event, remains with us.
no one of the miracles of Jesus was man's divinely bestowed dominion more clearly manifested than in the feeding of the five thousand, which occurred toward the close of his second year's ministry and immediately following the tragic death of John the Baptist.
In a recent article there is a reference to the views of a gentleman whose services are described as being in great demand to expose modern counterfeits of Christianity, such as spiritism and Christian Science.
In the recent sermon on Christian Science reported in the Enterprise, the cleargyman has displayed a regrettable spirit of intolerance which can only be accounted for by his evident failure to grasp the import of Mrs.
applicants for membership in The Mother Church of Christian Science, or in any of its branches, were asked to give their reasons for seeking membership therein, the answer in most cases would be that they desired to get all the good that is possible in this way.
has been well said that "no institution can exist without a basis, center, or principle of authority;" and what is true of institutions is true of men.
with contributions from Governor Felker, John N. Greer, Elbert E. Stevens, William H. Sinclair, Clarence A. Buskirk, William H. Dawes
In spite of disagreeable weather the banquet hall in the City Building was the scene of a large gathering of representative citizens of this city who are interested in the worthy Christian Science movement.
When I was quite young, my mother, who was afflicted with a malignant growth, inquired of a Christian Scientist relative as to the healing of this disease, and from discussions at home my young thought was impressed with the idea that Christian Science was not sound doctrine.
Not because of any religious convictions or because I felt the need of spiritual aid did I begin the study of Christian Science; yet I builded better than I knew when through sheer desperation, after years of suffering and vainly seeking relief from doctors of every school and even from mind healing, I took the advice of a lady who knew of my condition and went to see a Christian Science practitioner.
Gratitude for freedom in Truth and a desire to encourage others to seek the light impel me to add my word to the many testimones given regarding the healing power of Truth as understood in Christian Science.
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