Watchmen, guards, policemen, safes, safety deposit boxes, locks that defy the intruder, laws to protect, courts, lawyers, judges, justices' of the supreme court,—all these suggest the care with which mortal mind protects its varied treasures, and rightly protects them, so long as universal brotherhood is an abstract idea rather than a demonstrated fact; so long as mankind believe in power and good apart from omnipotent power and impartial good.

This care in regard to material treasure stands in marked contrast to the general lack of care in regard to the protection of the real treasure-house—our consciousness. Blashfield's famous picture, "The Angel with the Flaming Sword," comes before thought with a deep significance, in view of the scientific interpretation of angel and of sword. This angel that challenges all which seeks entrance, and thus protects our consciousness, is the idea of Love's allness and omnipotence. With this guardian we are safe and our treasure-house is undisturbed. But without this protection, with door unguarded, our consciousness may be desecrated and despoiled of its treasures of peace, joy, and harmony. We then have needless work in restoring and cleansing—work that might easily have been avoided had we but steadfastly kept at the door of thought this angel with the flaming sword.

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