A letter has been received from Yukio Ozaki, the mayor of Tokio, Japan, in regard to the two thousand cherry-trees which were presented by that city to Washington, and which are now at Seattle, Wash.
As we listen to the testimonies given at our Wednesday evening meetings and hear the expressions of gratitude to friends and practitioners, we are reminded that Christian Science honors God supremely.
guards, policemen, safes, safety deposit boxes, locks that defy the intruder, laws to protect, courts, lawyers, judges, justices' of the supreme court,—all these suggest the care with which mortal mind protects its varied treasures, and rightly protects them, so long as universal brotherhood is an abstract idea rather than a demonstrated fact; so long as mankind believe in power and good apart from omnipotent power and impartial good.
Christian Scientists know that matter is a thing of thought wrongly conceived, and as such is under the control of right thinking, in the exact ratio of our spiritual understanding of this momentous fact.
In order to answer the question as to why Christian Science treatment cannot be used to injure as well as to bless, it will first be necessary to define in what this treatment consists.
The basic truth of Christian Science is that God is Spirit, and that man is made in His image and likeness; that God, Spirit, created all; therefore, all is Spirit and spiritual.
Nowhere does Christian Science teach that sin can be ignored, as your correspondent again infers, and a more careful reading of the text-book would have shown him.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Watertown, has raised the amount necessary to meet all obligations incurred in the building and furnishing of a new church home, and is now ready to dedicate the building free of debt.
gratitude has been well styled the natural response of the heart to kindness, and carries with it a desire to show appreciation for the favor received by requital if possible.
Mark's Gospel we read that Jesus said to a man who had been wonderfully healed by him, "Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.
has been very constantly preached, and very generally believed, that the suffering which follows wrong-doing is a divine provision, an expression of what the Old Testament writers called "the vengeance of the Lord.
I am glad to tell what Christian Science has done for me, and I hope that this testimony may meet the eye of some one who has been similarly afflicted.
When Christian Science came to my home I was laboring under a heavy burden, one which only those can know who have had a loved one stricken with a terrible affliction—blindness.
Before coming into Christian Science I was subject to severe bronchial trouble, had a cough most of the time, and at one time was in bed five weeks with acute lung trouble.
It was four years ago that I first heard of Christian Science, and I have had ample opportunity since then to prove by experience that it is this understanding, as given us by Mrs.
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