Mrs. Eddy says, "A just acknowledgment of Truth...

Mrs. Eddy says, "A just acknowledgment of Truth and of what it has done for us is an effectual help" (Science and Health, p. 372). The following statement is the sequence of the above quotation, as I do not feel my whole duty has been rendered in giving at our Wednesday evening meeting an acknowledgment of what Christian Science has done for me; but that I should also acknowledge it through the columns of the Sentinel, that it may encourage others who are seeking this healing truth. When I turned to Christian Science for help, nearly three years ago, it was when all hope was gone that materia medica could reach my case. I was almost a mental and physical wreck, being consumed as it were with all manner of diseases, one of which was making rapid progress. Two physicians advised an immediate operation, but having lost faith in material means on account of their failure to meet my other ailments, I applied to Christian Science for help, feeling it to be my only hope. How well I remember that when I first went to a practitioner I was in great fear, and told her only a part of my ailments, fearing that if I told her all she would decline to take the case and would tell me there was no hope, that there was nothing left to build upon. But I was told in kindness that with God all things are possible. It is with gratitude unspeakable that I can say my healing is perfect, no evidence in appearance or consciousness of my old diseases. Two habits, the use of tobacco and liquor, which I had many times tried to shake off, were destroyed immediately, and this without my telling the practitioner that I was addicted to them.

While I am indeed grateful for my physical healing, the great spiritual uplifting that accompanies this work of love is greater. I have new desires, purer thoughts supplanting old rebellious ones, more of a desire to do God's will, the idea of Life and Love is nearer and dearer, and my every need is being met through the understanding of God as the only source of supply. I have also a growing appreciation of what our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has done and is doing for the whole world.—J. W. Minnich, Toledo, O.

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Testimony of Healing
From my earliest recollection I had never been free from...
August 24, 1907

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