I wish to express a small part of my gratitude and...

I wish to express a small part of my gratitude and love to God for Christian Science, and to our Leader who has made it possible for me to live. One of the most beautiful things about my Christian Science experience has been its ever-ready answers to my questions. It is more than three years since I came to Christian Science. I was instantly healed of sick-headache, and since that time I have had many beautiful demonstrations, one of which was painless childbirth. Another was the raising of my father-in-law from what seemed to be his death-bed, through Christian Science. After all this, I failed, but I was again lifted from death's door through Christian Science. This proved to me that I owe my life to no other power than that of Truth. I hope to work more earnestly for our grand Cause in the future, than I ever have in the past, and greatest desire is that my life may be a shining light for the glory of God.

MRS. ANNIE McLEAN, Bridgeport, Ont.

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Thy Will be Done
September 30, 1905

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