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Love Your Enemies
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.—Jesus.
THERE is a great need to-day that this command of our Master be obeyed. If we open wide the door of our own heart to the inpouring of ever-present Love, then shall love well up with increasing flow, quenching our own sense of error and that of our brothers. The necessary work to be performed is individual, each casting out of his own consciousness whatever prevents the full and free work of the Spirit within, and it is ours to be true to the teachings we have already received. Then let us rise above all discords and dislikes, into the pure atmosphere of Spirit, where no mesmeric influence can separate the children of divine Love. How earnestly we should heed the oft-repeated prohibition, "Let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart." Suspicion is self-mesmerism, which sees its own shadows cast upon others. If human will power (so-called) could have power to oppose God, it would oppress and destroy the spiritual idea. The constant rehearsing of our brothers' faults,—the antipodes of the divine characteristics, is an error which should have no power over one who through his experience has learned to dwell in the consciousness of Love for protection. The conscious or unconscious holding of another under the belief of error would assert a creation from beneath, rather than from above. It is like the surgeon who, through an unskilful operation, makes his fellow-man lame. We should see error as error, a mistake as a mistake, then know the nothingness of any power apart from God. This will help to shield our brother from the downpour of evil, help to bring him to the realization that he lives, moves, and has his being in God. The tender, compassionate consciousness is enthroned in the security of Soul, and reflects the might and grandeur of divine Love. As we rise higher in understanding and manifest more love in our daily contact with others, we are brought face to face with deeper problems, which we can only solve scientifically, in the way of our Master,—by overcoming all evil with good, all hate with love, all cursing with blessing.
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August 5, 1905 issue
View Issue-
The New Creature in Christ
Love Your Enemies
Name and Essence
A. M. P.
Harmony vs. Discord
The Demoniac
Sam Jones and Christian Science
Herbert M. Beck
Christian Science classifies pain as belonging to the category...
Clarence A. Buskirk
Among the Churches
with contributions from Adelaide M. Rubsam
The Lectures
with contributions from William F. Henney, Charles F. Libby , W. A. Bahlke
Orderly Methods Needed
Archibald Mclellan
"Treasure in the heavens."
Annie M. Knott
New, not Made Over
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Lucy Holtzclaw, Mary Baker Eddy, Mary A. Packard, John D. Higgins, Alice C. Walker
So many blessings have come to our family since coming...
Alice J. Ehmke
"Bless the Lord, O my soul.... Who forgiveth all thine...
Marion L. Swift
While reading the Sentinel a deep sense of gratitude and...
Hattie M. Stahl
With a heart overflowing with thankfulness I wish to...
Ellen Matteson Deichman
On June 27, 1902, I went with a little girl, twelve years...
Daisy Doyle Carpenter
Less than a year ago, when nothing but trouble seemed to...
Kefa E. W. Laureson
I wish to express my gratitude to God for the peace and...
Alice E. Crane
For seven years before coming into Christian Science I...
C. Louise Richardson
Six years ago Christian Science healed me of a disease...
Mabelle N. Scobey
I never was happy under material conditions
Harry J. Stillson
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I acknowledge...
Jennie S. Kerr
I wish to express my gratitude to God for the many...
Grace G. Long
From our Exchanges
with contributions from John S. Sane
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase