As I seat myself to add my grateful testimony to the...

As I seat myself to add my grateful testimony to the thousands who are to-day proclaiming the power of the risen Lord, through Christian Science, I am so mindful of the blessings showered upon me and mine, during about four years' study of this truth, and joy-bringing experiences so throng thought, that I am truly at a loss as to where to begin the "wondrous story." Hopeless and well-nigh helpless, after years of disapponting experiences with physicians, drugs, and special treatment along various lines, I turned to Christian Science as a last resort, and my cry, "Help, Lord, or I perish," was so promptly and so naturally answered that I was restored to the most vigorous, buoyant health without being conscious of any process of healing. This all came without treatment, and merely through the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Since my first glimpse of the indissoluble, changeless relation of God to His children, there has never been an hour of trial or distress in which He has failed to be an ever-present Father, Physician, Friend.

Not long since, one of my teeth broke off, and when I went to a dentist a month later, he asked if I had not suffered when the tooth broke. I assured him that there had been merely a trifling soreness, apparently caused by the forcible loosening from the gum, and he then informed me that the nerve had broken squarely in two, and frankly admitted that he could not understand the absence of pain which would ordinarily attend such an occurrence. Our revered Leader tells us in Science and Health, on page 488, that nerves have no sensation, and this was certainly proof positive of the truth of her statement.

This same dentist expressed the wish that all his patients were Christian Scientists, fully recognizing their ability to assist him in making his dental work a truly painless process. He also made the unqualified statement to me, that Science had done more for the disease known as pyrrhoea, a receding of the gums, than had all the doctors and dentists put together. Very early in my study of this truth, I found myself, one Sunday morning, with what promised to be an ulcerated tooth, on account of which I was unable to eat breakfast as usual. Healing in our meetings had never been mentioned to me, and I therefore attended church without any expectation of getting relief. To my utter astonishment, at the close of the service the troublesome tooth was entirely healed. On another occasion I severely bruised one of my fingers, to the degree, in fact, that it turned black almost instantly and seemed about to burst. It was considerably out of shape and pained most aggressively. Just a few potent statements of the allness of Truth and Love enabled me to go soundly to sleep, and the next day I put a tight kid glove on that hand with practically no discomfort from the injured member.

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Testimony of Healing
At a time when all joy and peace seemed to have gone out...
July 1, 1905

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