Secretary Taft does not agree with Attorney-General Moody in the decision made by the latter that the eight-hour law should apply to all labor employed by the Government or by contractors on the Panama Canal.
comes to me that perhaps some mother, struggling as I was to bring up the children wisely, may be helped by some little experiences which I have had.
I now request that the members of my Church cease special prayer for the peace of nations, and cease in full faith that God does not hear our prayers only because of oft speaking, but that He will bless all the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay His hand nor say unto Him, What doest Thou?
are indebted to The Boston Herald for the following interesting article regarding our Leader's copy of "The Book of the Presidents," which she has recently received.
sentiments and impulses which give character to a national holiday are not to be undervalued, even though upon special occasions they may reach a distressingly high tide of exuberance and enthusiasm.
As I seat myself to add my grateful testimony to the thousands who are to-day proclaiming the power of the risen Lord, through Christian Science, I am so mindful of the blessings showered upon me and mine, during about four years' study of this truth, and joy-bringing experiences so throng thought, that I am truly at a loss as to where to begin the "wondrous story.
At a time when all joy and peace seemed to have gone out of my life, Christian Science came to me and taught me to seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and I can truly say that all good things have been "added unto" me.
When Christian Science was first brought to me, I had been obliged to spend the greater part of my time in bed for several years, living for months at a time on liquid foods, and suffering for nine years with a trouble that it seemed only the knife could remove.
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