Before I knew of Christian Science I had to be very...

Before I knew of Christian Science I had to be very careful as to my food on account of dyspepsia. I drank beef juice for breakfast, was afraid of coffee and tea, and lived on a diet consisting mostly of meats. After nearly every meal I thought I had to take medicine to insure proper digestion. This has all been changed by understanding Truth as revealed through Christian Science. I now eat what is set before me, without a thought of discomfort. I write this to express my gratitude for freedom gained in this respect, and to help others who may be struggling in the same mists above which I have been lifted. I must say, however, that the half was never told. The spiritual awakening I have gained in Christian Science so far exceeds the physical as to be all in all to me.

Lucy Holtzclaw, Chattanooga, Tenn.

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Testimony of Healing
A few months ago I was a great sufferer from indigestion,...
May 27, 1905

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