Two and a half years ago, Christian Science found me...

Two and a half years ago, Christian Science found me in a pitiable condition indeed. I had taken medicine almost daily for about three years for severe stomach difficulties, including constipation and attendant troubles; I had also tried physical culture, dieting, and hygiene, without relief. From the day that I bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and began taking treatments from a practitioner, I ate what was set before me without any ill effect, although it was some time before I was entirely healed. The tobacco habit of about eight years' standing also left me naturally the day I commenced to study Science and Health. I have had no desire for tobacco since. Other minor physical ailments, such as catarrh and a disposition to take cold, grip, ingrowing toenails which formerly were very uncomfortable, and severe headaches, have been overcome. A very disagreeable disposition is slowly but surely being overcome, as well as some sins that go with it; so I follow on, and rejoice when I can, and am learning that as the clouds do not forever hide the sun, neither does error forever hide the spiritual light, which is the Life of men.

I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to God, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for this truth.

W. T. Duff, Lincoln, Neb.

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Testimony of Healing
I am prompted to tell by what means I was healed
May 20, 1905

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