One Sunday, while on the car, I noticed written on a...

One Sunday, while on the car, I noticed written on a friend's Quarterly these words, "The Declaration of Independence." This had been written by her husband, who is not a Scientist, and I thought that many a word spoken in jest closer to the truth than is generally believed.

It is nearly nine years since we began to follow the Christian Science standard of liberty, and it has made us free from many forms of error. Through the reading of Science and Health, myself and my husband were healed; he of consumption which had been left him as a legacy. When we begin to learn that God is Love, and that perfect love casts out fear, then we are in a position to accept our God-given liberty and recognize ourselves as His children. Through the study of Science and Health the Bible has become like a new book to us, whereas, formerly, we could not understand it at all.

While we are praising God we cannot forget to offer a tribute of thanks to Mrs. Eddy for this great blessing which she has brought to mankind, opening their blind eyes so they may see how to cast off the fetters that have bound them so long.—Minnie A. Bonsteel, Webb City, Mo.

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Testimony of Healing
Having been greatly benefited by the truth, as set fourth...
May 20, 1905

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