It is now about three and a half years since I began the...

It is now about three and a half years since I began the study of Christian Science, and feel that I am late in acknowledging the many benefits I have received. It was not on account of physical healing that I became interested, although I had been helped out of small difficulties while still under the parental roof. However, after about ten years, I was reminded of my ingratitude and immediately began the study of Science and Health. Through the knowledge thus gained I have been able to overcome many ills with good. The grip, sick headache, toothache, symptoms of fever, burns, and whooping cough are among the annoyances that have been vanquished by Christian Science.

The demonstration that follows meant a great deal to me at the time. I awoke one morning to find that my right jaw was badly swollen, and as so many people had been suffering with mumps, I knew that was the trouble. I had very little pain with this, and experienced no inconvenience in eating whatever I chose. In a few days I went to visit a relative whom I had not seen for nine years, and was very anxious to spend the time pleasantly. The day after my arrival, my left jaw began to swell. I excused myself early that evening, went to my room and worked in Science for some time, declaring the Truth of being. The ailment was nearly mastered that evening and entirely disappeared so soon after that no one in the house knew anything about it.

I know that I cannot be too grateful for all that God has done for me through the teaching of Christian Science, and I fully realize that only by the daily living of the truth, as our Leader has pointed it out, can I ever repay her.

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Testimony of Healing
Two and a half years ago, Christian Science found me...
May 20, 1905

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