injunction, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling," is accompanied by the promise, "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
of the objections made by materialists to Christian Science is that a God who could relieve mankind of the ills from which they suffer, and would not, unless His conditions whimsical tyrant.
reading the 11th chapter of John's gospel, I have been impressed with the simplicity and lack of detail in Jesus' speech, as there recorded, regarding Lazarus' sickness, death, and burial.
A Christian Scientist could have no fear of evil thought, for he understands how to overcome evil with good, neither could he resort to evil mental practice, for in so doing he would be obliged to depart from Christian Science, substituting a wicked mental practice.
Christian Scientists do not claim to possess supernatural gifts, but they do claim that the teachings of Christ, in their application to the healing of disease, are as practical to-day as they were when our Saviour and his disciples dispelled sickness with the Word.
The fundamental teaching of Christian Science that God is All in all, is Scriptural; hence all that really exists is God and His infinite manifestation.
following correspondence between our Leader and First Church of Christ, Scientist, London, upon the occasion of the laying of the corner-stone of the new edifice in that city, will be read with interest.
are often asked to "say something in the Sentinel" calculated to correct some practice or custom which the person who makes the request believes to be a growing evil destined to work great injury to our Cause, but in a majority of instances we have found that the evil complained of is one which can be readily corrected by obedience to the letter and the spirit of the Church Manual, and it therefore seems inexpedient to devote any of our limited space to articles which we are requested to write upon these various subjects.
our sense of space and time, with all the other limitations of human thought, can but sadly mar our concept of God, nevertheless we may be inspired, find escape from a baser self, as mind and heart are opened to the grandeur and sublimity of the universe about us.
with contributions from Ira O. Knapp, Joseph Armstrong, William B. Johnson, Stephen A. Chase, Archibald McLellan, Rosalind Wheeler, F. C. Denkmann, Eva Maria Schneider
I have attended Christian Science meetings, held in large churches, crowded with people; and I have been where there were only two or three met together to give thanks to God.
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with contributions from Ira O. Knapp, Joseph Armstrong, William B. Johnson, Stephen A. Chase, Archibald McLellan, Rosalind Wheeler, F. C. Denkmann, Eva Maria Schneider