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I wish to acknowledge the benefits I have received...
I wish to acknowledge the benefits I have received through the teaching of Christian Science. Eleven years ago I first heard of Christian Science. I was then a very sick man, and had been doctoring for catarrh of the head for fifteen years, during that time I was always taking medicine of some kind. I consulted specialists on that disease, and they always gave me hope that they could cure me. I had always taken their medicine in good faith, and expected that I would get well, but was always disappointed. I was always restless and anxious, always expecting the right medicine would come, never expected to get well except through material medicine. I had great faith in doctors and medicine before I knew of Christian Science, and they always did the best they could for me according to their knowledge, but they were not helping me. When I heard of Christian Science I had no faith in it but was advised by some friends to try it. They told me there was no medicine to be taken, and that it was through prayer and the power of God that the healing was done. I had no faith in God, and never paid much attention to any conversation about God or prayer, but thought I would give Christian Science a trial.
I was then in Memphis, Tenn. I went to the Christian Science meeting the following Sunday, and, made arrangement to take treatment, and in a few days I got great relief and saw then that Christian Science could help me, and this gave me courage and confidence. I then took all the medicines I had and threw them away and bought "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and began to study the book and improved rapidly. I used to drink and use tobacco in all its forms but while studving the book the desire for drink and tobacco left me, which was a great blessing to me, for I had tried many times to overcome these habits by will-power. I would stop for a while but the appetite would always come back, and I would go to drinking and use tobacco just the same as before, but this blessed truth in Christian Science made me free, for which I am very thankful. It is now eleven years since I began the study of Christian Science, and during that time I have never used medicine of any kind, and never consulted any doctors, and to-day I can say that I am perfectly healed. I give all the credit to Christian Science. God has been the healer. I have also been made better morally and spiritually. It has given me a higher aim in life, for before coming into Christian Science I never read the Bible, indeed I didn't have any, but now I have a Bible and it is my companion with Science and Health. I love to study the Bible lessons, it gives me a better understanding of what God is and of our relation to Him. I cannot be grateful enough to Mrs. Eddy for this blessed truth which she has given us in Science and Health. By it we can work out our problems in life from a scientific standpoint.—Paul E. Ducommun, St. Louis, Mo.
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December 24, 1904 issue
View Issue-
Healed by Mrs. Eddy
A Christmas Offering
The Cry in the Desert
The Shining Light
M. E. B.
A Christmas Song
"You claim so much for Christian Science; why does...
Norman E. John with contributions from Froude
Among the Churches
with contributions from M. Agard, A. W. Hertzka
The Lectures
with contributions from Robert C. Givens, Clifford P. Smith
The December Class
Editor with contributions from Jennie H. S. Roe, Mary E. Landy, Caleb H. Cushing, Mary Baker Eddy
The Bethlehem Joy
Editor with contributions from W.
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Hermann S. Hering, Katherine M. Damm, Charles H. Fahnestock, Virginia Peck Fahnestock, Otis D. Reed, Kate Joy Gray
It is now eight years since Christian Science was brought...
Stewart T. McConnell with contributions from A. P. S.
My little son was afflicted with a terrible eruption on...
Fred W. Gonder
I wish to acknowledge the benefits I have received...
Paul E. Ducommun
When I first heard of Christian Science I was a helpless...
E. B. Neubauer
From childhood my lungs were considered weak,...
G. F. Oliver
From our Exchanges
Basil Wilberforce
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase