Favorable Comment

Sioux City (Ia.) Journal

The following excerpt is interesting in that it shows the trend of advancing religious thought and its estimate of Christian Science. The adherents of Christian Science are glad to note an appreciative sense on the part of their ministerial brethren, and cheerfully await a fuller recognition of the truth of its teachings, which will surely come as these are better understood.—Eds.

In an address at the First Unitarian church yesterday morning, the pastor, Rav. J. D. O. Powers, found much to commend in the doctrines of Christian Science. He said in part,—

"Christian Science is one of the most remarkable and significant religious manifestations of our time. In the short period of thirty-five years it has built several hundred costly churches and gained thousands of loyal adherents prominent in social and business circles. Unlike any other sect since the time of Christ and his disciples, Christian Science presents itself under two distinct phases. First, as a religious system, and second, as a sanitary or healing system."

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"Self-Denial" Day
December 10, 1904

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