The Higher Motive

A dear friend once suggested that when we attended the Communion service of The Mother Church we should go with the idea of giving rather than receiving a blessing. It is needless to say that this thought of manifesting love for all who crossed our pathway, uppermost in our consciousness, we in turn received a greater blessing. The love of giving brought its own reward.

In contributing to The Mother Church Building Fund it is well for us to cultivate a loving desire to give, rather than to give from a sense of duty. If we feel that we have done our duty we are apt to take in the suggestion that it is high time some one else was doing his before we do any more. If it is true that "the desire which goes forth hungering after righteousness is blessed of our Father, and it does not return unto us void" (Science and Health, p. 2). why should we not have reason to expect confidently that a loving desire to contribute toward this commendable enterprise will also be blessed?

Only recently an individual who desired to contribute, set aside all he had at the time for the fund. It was a mere pittance, ten cents, but before the day had passed he was able to add a dollar and a half to it. besides having his immediate needs supplied. Mortal mind appealed to his sense of pride and argued. "Do not hand it in yet. but wait until you can make a better showing on the subscription book. Pocketing pride, he tendered his contributions, and a few minutes later was able to give five dollars.

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Segregation of the Sexes
October 1, 1904

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