Last week week the European squadron of the American Navy, after the conclusion of its visit to the manoeuvres of the German fleet at Kiel, proceeded to Portsmouth, England.
Having been for the past two and a half years living in a foreign country, in one of the few places where Christian Science has scarcely yet broken ground, I have to a greater or less extent felt the loss of personal association with other brethren in the truth.
Henry Van Dyke
with contributions from Phillips Brooks, Ernest Renan
When to the garden of untroubled thoughtI came of late, and saw the open door,And wished again to enter, and exploreThe sweet, wild ways with stainless bloom inwrought,And bowers of innocence with beauty fraught,It seemed some purer voice must speak beforeI dared to tread that garden loved of yore,That Eden lost unknown and found unsought.
A Distinct
impression conveyed by those who attended our recent Communion and Annual Meeting was that they were actuated by a deeply religious sentiment which was manifest on all occasions, yet the evident happiness of each individual comprising this great throng was so marked as to cause comment in the newspapers.
it were always possible for the children to have right standards given them, the results actually attained in after years would be so very different from ordinary experience as to contradict the popular expectation awakened; but it is sadly true that in youth, even in childhood, the acquirement of wealth and position is continually held before thought as the goal of endeavor.
Feeling that I should like to express my gratitude through the Sentinel for the help derived from Christian Science in the care of my children, I give these glimpses of my experience.
In passing along one of Chicago's busiest thoroughfares recently, my attention was drawn towards a gathering of men and boys, who were watching, and some of the boys jeering, a man who was badly intoxicated, and talking incoherently.
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