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The Annual Meeting
The limitations of our space interdicted more than a brief reference to the Annual Meeting in our last issue.
After the opening exercises, Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, President-elect, was introduced and spoke as follows:—
Beloved Co-workers:— For this expression of confidence I am grateful to our dear Leader and our faithful Board of Directors. Our blessed Master said, "The tree is known by his fruit," and our beloved friend and Mother has just told us that "the unprecedented progress of Christian Science is proverbial, and we cannot be too grateful nor too humble for this—inasmuch as our daily lives serve to enhance or to stay its glory."
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July 11, 1903 issue
View Issue-
The Annual Meeting
with contributions from Irving C. Tomlinson, William B. Johnson
A Kindly Letter
The Lectures
with contributions from Anon, Charles H. Knapp, L. W. Winchester, Silas Cobb
An Aftermath
Tell it Again
G. S.
A Vacation Song
Katherine Lee Bates
The Establishment of Truth
Alfred Farlow
A Brief Statement
W. D. McCrackan
Honesty in Religion
L. B. C.
I wish to express my gratitude for the blessings of...
Gussie Howard
It was about Easter time last year that through the...
Gertrude M. Bradley
Words cannot express what a blessing Christian Science...
M. J. Cavanagh
It is now four and a half years since learned what a...
Harriette F. Drury
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Religious Items
with contributions from Eliot, F. D. Storey, Phillips Brooks, Ichabod Spencer, H. A. Blake, Bushnell