days ago Representative Abbott of Manchester introduced a bill in the New Hampshire Legislature, the purpose of which was to prohibit the healing of physical ailments by Christian Scientists.
Alfred Farlow
with contributions from James Russell Lowell
said, "I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness," and we are proving by our daily experiences that true happiness comes from within, not from without, and that it is afforded by the contemplation of the unseen and eternal realities of being.
Henry Thompson
with contributions from Horace Bushnell
I was now assured by evidence which I could not resist, that all which man—with his limited knowledge and experience—has learned to regard as due to Supreme "Power" and "Wisdom," although immeasurably beyond his comprehension, is also associated with the exercise of an "absolutely beneficent" influence over all living things, of every grade, which exist within its range.
the guise of bills "to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery" efforts efforts have been made in different states, from year to year, to secure legislation opposed to Christian Scientists, but it is worthy of note that these bills have not been introduced in response to demands from the general public, and that they have not received the active support of leading and representative physicians, although as a rule their passage has been urged by the medical profession.
when forced to admit unsatisfactory results, imperfect work, we have said, "Well, I did the best I could," and so indifferently dismissed the matter.
Those whose work brings them in touch with German-speaking people, will find the supplement, issued with this number, a ready means for disseminating information regarding Christian Science.
we know that all are really the sons and daughters of God, and in our awakening are ready for the spiritual uplift and regeneration that Christian Science brings, we find in our experience that some apply for the healing who are seemingly unwilling so to surrender the beliefs of materialism as to let the light of Truth come in, that the glory of the Lord may be risen upon them.
of the phrases which fell most readily from the lips of Jesus was "the kingdom of heaven," and we gain a clearer insight into His kingdom by a study of the contexts and similes which Jesus employed in this connection.
my experience has been so different from that of others, I write it, trusting that it may help some seeker after Truth who is situated as I was a few years ago.
little snowflakes, so small, so white, so soft; gently falling, falling; yet as they rest upon the dark and dreary earth, little by little they clothe all in a mantle of dazzling white, even in a robe of sparkling beauty.
Two little children of a friend of mine, not a Scientist, ate a quantity of powdered glass and sugar, but by the prompt use of Christian Science, the threatened trouble was met so fully that but one of the children had any belief of suffering and that was so slight as not to interfere with his play.
In love and thankfulness I would like to express my gratitude for our periodicals, the Journal and Sentinel, and to all who have, through them or otherwise, helped me in any way to understand and demonstrate Christian Science.
The day before Thanksgiving, a little child, six years of age, who was in our town with a theatrical company, had been suffering from fever for about three days.
Per capita taxes, contributions to the Mother Church, or contributions to the Building Fund, should be sent by check, post-office money order, or express money order.
with contributions from J. W. Brigham, James Wiley
We see convincing evidences that the Christian Churches in this country are in the first stage of an evangelistic movement, which is likely to affect all denominations and to continue for several years.
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