In August, 1897, Muriel, aged four years, received an...

In August, 1897, Muriel, aged four years, received an invitation to her little cousin's birthday party. Muriel lives in Illinois, and the little cousin lives in Connecticut.

Muriel is a Scientist, while her little cousin is not. Muriel could not go so far to a party, but she wished to send her cousin some little token of remembrance and love.

Mamma suggested that she take some pennies out of her bank and buy something for her cousin, but the suggestion did not please Muriel, and so she set to work to make something very choice and beautiful, but her little fingers could not turn out what she had in thought. Time passed and Muriel was still trying to decide what to send. Mamma said nothing, but watched pretty closely. Five days had gone by since the invitation came. Muriel was wandering around in the yard. Soon mamma heard her bounding up the steps, "Mamma, I know what to send cousin. You give me a nice card and a pencil and tell me how to spell the words and I'll print my little prayer for her." (Meaning Mrs. Eddy's "New Year Gift to the Little Children"). "'Cause you know, mamma, that prayer cures anything." Muriel's eyes shone like stars, so happy was she with her beautiful thought, and how glad was her mamma's heart that the child should choose, above all else, the dear Prayer that means so much to Scientists.

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Testimony of Healing
Always delicate from childhood and subject to frequent...
October 20, 1898

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