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The following epitome of the remarks of the Rev. Samuel Eliot,...
The following epitome of the remarks of the Rev. Samuel Eliot, upon the life and character of the late Sherman Hoar, are so aptly descriptive of the true man, that they are well worth the perusal and remembrance of every one who aspires to the best manhood. They indeed describe the type of manhood for which true Christian Scientists are striving.
"No one could come into relation with him without an impression of his resolute manhood, his mind, his heart, his conscience. He went straight to his point by the most sunlit road. His mind was straightforward because ruled by commanding ends. He revolted from all pretension. He turned from the way of self-aggrandizement to the way of service. He had put aside even his own ardent ambitions when higher duties seemed to claim him. He had the democratic spirit which makes light of artificial distinctions, and he held himself in natural friendly intercourse with all kinds and conditions of men. Devoted to his friends, generous to his enemies, he carried with him the atmosphere of optimism. He had the large, manly common sense that we Americans demand in the leaders we trust and follow. He was a man capable at once of righteous indignation against evil and of compassion for evil-doers. I think of this modern knight, panoplied not in the rusted harness of by-gone battles, but in that armor of God which the apostle describes, and in which the responsible battles of this day and generation are to be fought,—'The shield of faith the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the spirit.' "
These are the traits, surely, of the sincere, honest, faithful Christian warrior. Such traits should, and really do, distinguish the true Christian Science warrior. Dishonesty and craftiness, littleness of soul and purpose, the foibles of petty personality, the follies of gossip and idleness,—these have no place in Christian Science. Until they are effectually and radically overcome no one can be said to be a true disciple.
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October 20, 1898 issue
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Rev. Dr. Lamson on the War's Problems.
with contributions from John F. Linscott
George Bell
They sawed off his arms and his legs,...
Cleveland Leader
In August, 1897, Muriel, aged four years, received an...
Louise Sherwood Andrews
Always delicate from childhood and subject to frequent...
H. M. W. with contributions from Margaret E. Halley
Mary Baker G. Eddy
with contributions from William B. Johnson, Ed.