This book healed me: Ideas that can heal anything

With Joel Magnes, Cheryl Ranson, and Gillian Litchfield

This week, we chat with three guests who share healings and experiences from reading Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. As an opera singer, Joel Magnes was healed of asthma. Cheryl Ranson was healed of a life-threatening illness that had left her bedridden. And Gillian Litchfield had a healing within her marriage. Listen in to find out more about how this book changed their lives.

Citations referenced in this episode:

From the Bible, King James Version:
Isaiah 41:10
Genesis 1:27
James 4:7

From the writings of Mary Baker Eddy:
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 14
Science and Health, p. 587
Science and Health, p. 583
Science and Health, p. 350
Science and Health, pp. 323–324
Science and Health, p. 559

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