This book healed me: The Bible

With Mary Alice Rose

The Bible is more than just a historical record. It’s a relevant, practical, and healing book. This week’s guest, Mary Alice Rose, shares how a spiritual understanding of the Bible has inspired and healed her.

Citations referenced in this episode:

Amy Nickell, “Fear of flying gone,” Christian Science Sentinel, July 11, 2022

From the Bible, King James Version:
Psalms 139:7–10
I John 4:8
Genesis 1:27
Exodus 20:1–17
Genesis 1:31
Acts 17:28
Revelation 21:4
Matthew 3:2
Colossians 3:3
Matthew 11:28
Isaiah 40:11
Isaiah 30:21

From the writings of Mary Baker Eddy:
Science and Health with Key to the Scripturesp. vii
Science and Health, p. 367
Science and Healthp. 139
Science and Healthp. 340
Science and Health, p. 583
Science and Healthp. 332
Science and Health, p. 482
Science and Healthpp. 476–477

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