Struggling with self-worth?

With Jo Gray

As a child, this week’s guest, Jo Gray, really struggled with self-worth, and things only got worse when her marriage and life as a new mother crumbled. She shares how Christian Science helped her overcome these trying times and gave her an improved, more secure sense of herself.

Citations referenced in this episode:

From the Bible, King James Version:
Malachi 3:10
Psalms 25:5
Genesis 1:26, 31
I Thessalonians 5:5
John 5:30

From the writings of Mary Baker Eddy:
Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 370
Science and Health with Key to the Scripturespp. 203–204
Science and Healthp. 587
Science and Healthp. 588
Science and Health, pp. 476–477

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