This book healed me: Career, family, and the Bible

With Lauren Crandall and Veronica Kline

This week, we’re talking with two guests who share their experiences of finding healing from reading the Bible.

Lauren Crandall discusses how the book of Psalms carried her through—and inspired her—during a difficult time in her career.

When Veronica Kline was across an ocean on a work trip and got a call that her youngest had a rash, she turned to the Bible for comfort. The Bible delivered—helping her feel complete trust in God’s care for her son and bringing healing results.

Citations referenced in this episode:

From the Bible, King James Version:
I Samuel 16:1—17:58
Psalms 26:1–3
Psalms 91:1, 2
Psalms 1:1–6
Psalms 35:17
II Timothy 3:16

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