This book healed me: On fire with the Word

With Barry Huff

This week’s guest, Barry Huff, shares just how relevant the stories in the Bible are today, and how the book is filled with inspiring ideas that can address even the biggest challenges.

Citations referenced in this episode:

Barry Huff, “The power of the Word!,” Christian Science Sentinel, February 27, 2006

Stephen J. Patterson, The Forgotten Creed: Christianity's Original Struggle against Bigotry, Slavery, and Sexism

From the Bible, King James Version:
Genesis 1:3
Psalms 107:20
I John 4:8
Exodus 32:1–10
Genesis 32:24–30
Galatians 3:26–28
John 1:1
Mark 1:15

From the Bible, New Revised Standard Version:
Exodus 34:4–10

From the New Jewish Publication Society translation of the Tanakh:
Isaiah 43:1–5

From the writings of Mary Baker Eddy:
Science and Health with Key to the Scripturesp. 497
Science and Healthpp. 476–477

From the Christian Science Hymnal:
No. 298

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