Feeling God’s love heals

In January 2022, as Covid-19 restrictions were easing in the United States, our extended family met at a theme park in Florida for a one-week vacation. We observed the protocols that were still in place and had a wonderful time together.

However, one afternoon toward the end of the week, while on my own in the theme park, I became ill with what appeared to be Covid symptoms. I immediately made my way back to the hotel. I could not do much for myself, but I did contact a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me. I was alone in our hotel room and very grateful that the practitioner quickly responded to my text message with the assurance that she would help. She shared reassuring ideas of divine Truth, including the fact that as God’s creation, I couldn’t lack strength because I express His omnipotence. I was able to rest quietly until my wife and daughter returned. 

In addition to feeling ill, I wondered how to face the coming days. We were scheduled to check out of the hotel the following day, a Friday, and had to drive over thirteen hundred miles to get home. I explained this concern to the practitioner.

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September 23, 2024

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