Letters & Conversations

I was at the airport, and the plane was delayed again. I had a hard time calming my thought. I put on my headphones and listened to the recent Sentinel. The editorial came up, and I was comforted by the thoughts that were shared. I loved the sentence, “We are always contributing to the mental atmosphere for better or for worse.” That was a concept I often talked about when I taught Sunday School. At the end of the editorial, I looked around, and this time I had a wonderful feeling of oneness—one God and each of us fulfilling God’s purpose. It was a unique feeling. At that moment, it was announced that the plane was ready for boarding. Thank you for the comfort and insight the editorial brought!

Janine Labak, Falls Church, Virginia, US

Thanks for this excellent, helpful article. It relates a beautiful demonstration, which I have taken to heart in my interactions with acquaintances who have health problems—not to pray for them but to know them, and myself, as whole and complete, now and always.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

This is the end of the issue. Ready to explore further?
August 26, 2024

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