Divine intelligence and our well-being

Many people today are searching for solutions for their health care needs—solutions that go beyond reliance on matter-based systems and those educated in them. And some are finding quick and effective healing by turning to the intelligence, power, and authority of God. In the book that explains this method of healing, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The time has come for a finite conception of the infinite and of a material body as the seat of Mind to give place to a diviner sense of intelligence and its manifestations …” (p. 285). 

Why should we consider relying on divine intelligence for our well-being? And what is it like to turn our concerns over to God, who is intelligence itself? Doing so is not blind faith but its opposite: comforting, informative, life-changing, and clear-eyed understanding. 

God has many facets. For instance, God is present everywhere, in every moment, not just in certain times and places, because God is Spirit. Spirit includes no molecules of matter and therefore no limitations. Ever-present Spirit is utterly good and loving. God is also all-knowing Mind, embracing His spiritual creation—including each of us—continuously. To recognize truths like these can be the first step in healing with prayer.

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Freedom from heredity
July 1, 2024

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