Growth dissolves

Having been a student of Christian Science for several decades, I have seen many instances of God’s tender care for my whole family. This includes the healing of physical challenges, workplace and business troubles, and other difficulties of every stripe. A few years ago, I had a healing that was so clearly the “hand of God,” that I felt I must share it. 

I noticed a small growth on my back. It did not seem significant at the time, but gradually it grew larger. When my wife noticed that I was putting a bandage over it, she became concerned. At that point I realized I had not been applying properly—or with due diligence—the lessons I had learned in Christian Science class instruction. I allayed my wife’s fears by assuring her that I was now giving this situation the prayerful attention it deserved.

My words to my wife were a wake-up call to my own consciousness. I immediately began to pray and to know that this was a mental imposition and not part of my true being. I thought deeply about Genesis 1 in the Bible, where it states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (verse 26). I was certain that this image did not include any blemish or imperfection, since the same chapter declares a few verses later, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (verse 31).

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July 1, 2024

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