Being a faithful witness to God

A faithful witness gives proof of the Almighty as the source of all good.

Throughout time, faithful witnesses to God have been essential to the well-being of both individuals and society as a whole. Why? Because a faithful witness is one who is steadfast in giving evidence or proof that something is true. When something false is parading itself as true, causing disturbance or discord, a faithful witness shines the light of Truth, God, which brings clarity and harmony to the situation.

In the book of Isaiah in the Bible, God tells the Israelites that they are witnesses to the fact that there is just one God, one Savior, and none else (see 43:10, 11). In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks of all of his followers being a light to the world, shining so that others can see their good works and give God the glory (see Matthew 5:14–16). And in the book of Acts it’s recorded that Jesus instructs his apostles to be witnesses to him to the ends of the earth (see 1:8). A faithful witness is an expression of God’s true nature and government, giving proof of the Almighty as the source of all good.

When we faithfully do our part as a witness, we can expect healing, because the power is of God, not us. 

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How I Found Christian Science
I was searching for the truth
May 22, 2023

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