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Letters & Conversations
Blessing all peoples
I was so touched by “Navigating chaotic times with prayer” (Sentinel, June 13, 2022). Grace Ngoindai Njuakom’s experience is so very different from what I deal with, but I loved the idea that because “God, divine Principle, is the only one governing . . . there is no lack of necessary resources; there is no crying in our streets; and no one can suffer.” This shows clearly that this truth is present everywhere and blessing all the peoples of the world.
When the new Sentinel format came out, I wasn’t sure I’d like it, but I do. I read the issue at one sitting and highlight ideas that especially resonate with me. Thank you for this publication, and thanks to the author of the above-mentioned article.
Joan Greig, Aurora, Ohio, US
Wonderful poem
[Kate Gould, “Seeking peace,” Sentinel, June 10, 2022]
To live this wonderful poem will be my prayer. Thank you.
Gaye Eckert, via JSH-Online.com
Powerful reminder
[Mark Swinney, “God-created spiritual ideas,” Sentinel, June 20, 2022]
Thank you for this powerful article. It’s a wonderful reminder of man always and forever God’s perfect reflection.
Ann Botts, via JSH-Online.com
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July 25, 2022 issue
View IssueEditorial
Neutralizing the pressure to cause harm
Keith Wommack
Keeping Watch
God’s love transcends borders
Ruth Geyer
When a loved one passes on
Louis Benjamin
"Basking in the light"
Mark Swinney
The blessings of knowing God
Margarita Huezo
A lesson from Sammy Squirrel
Maryann McKay
With Love divine
Trish Burr
Tooth restored
Linda Ross
Heart trouble healed
Ginger Stevens
Seeing clearly
Phra Arnsen Blakely
Bible Lens
July 25–31, 2022
Letters & Conversations
Letters & Conversations
Joan Greig, Gaye Eckert, Ann Botts