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The high tower of Christian Science
Discussing our inevitable awakening to the spiritual sense of life, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The astronomer will no longer look up to the stars,—he will look out from them upon the universe; …” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 125).
The goal of my daily prayer and practice of Christian Science is to live like that astronomer—to look beyond the limited, human perspective and see as God sees.
An experience my husband and I had a few years ago illustrates what looking at life from a higher standpoint—a spiritual standpoint—is like. We were birding and had to climb a 120-foot tower to view birds above the canopy. Instead of looking up from the ground for birds, from this higher altitude we were looking out over the tops of trees and seeing birds that aren’t easily seen from the ground. It was a whole different perspective. We were seeing what had been there all along but was invisible from a limited, earthbound view.
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July 24, 2017 &
July 31, 2017
double issue
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From the readers
Carol Rounds, Nancy Bachmann, Margaret Margo Simons
Faith that ‘moves mountains’
Debbie Buckland
Not marked by birth
Sharon Rooker-Brade
Feeling boxed in?
Virginia Anders
The high tower of Christian Science
Judi Bell
‘Just because’ prayers
Jenny Sinatra
Panic attacks healed
Chiemezi Ahanonu
Pain from burn quickly dissolved
Christine Driessen
Spot removed through ‘mental surgery’; joy restored
Margaret McCain La Grange
Restored after a fall
Racine Dews
'His mighty purpose ripens fast ...'
Photograph by Trudi Carter
Children at risk in famine: Why there’s hope
Gretel Kauffman
Changing course
Michelle Boccanfuso Nanouche
How do you know that?
Scott Preller