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From the readers

[“God’s photograph of you,” Steve Ryf, June 12, 2017, Sentinel]
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On the web: This JSH-Online.

I’m listening, God

I now know that listening to God is a way to pray.
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Governed by Mind, the unchanging divine Principle, Love, we see the reality of all creation as spiritual and good.
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I needed to stem the panic and dread of going back into the classroom.
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These Bible Lessons have always given me a better sense of God, Spirit.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
About six or seven years ago I became discouraged about the power and presence of God and stopped studying Christian Science.
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I’ve played soccer ever since I could kick a ball.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

After the break-up

Devastated by a break-up, this author couldn’t seem to shake the feelings of sadness and confusion. But things changed when she realized she didn’t have to hate her ex; she could still love!
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Testimony of Healing

Freed of severe back pain

A few years ago I woke up feeling stiff and with a sore back, after having tripped and fallen down a flight of stairs the day before.
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Testimony of Healing
One day at work I began to experience symptoms of a cold.
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Testimony of Healing
Gratitude can be instrumental in bringing about a healing.
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Thank You, dear God

Thank You, dear God,   for being YouFount of divine Life   That creates all things new
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The meditation of my heart

“O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.
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Every time you or I yield to Mind’s infinite light, there is that much less evil in the world.
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Bible Lens
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