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items of interest
"When asked by Roper Starch Worldwide [a polling organization] in 1998 to rank the major problems facing America today, students aged twelve to nineteen most frequently named as their top five concerns selfishness, people who don't respect law and the authorities, wrongdoing by politicians, lack of parental discipline, and courts that care too much about criminals' rights."
David Brooks
"The Organization Kid"
The Atlantic Monthly
April 2001
"For Christians and Muslims the issue is clear-cut. The Catholic church is unequivocally against human cloning, as are most Protestant faiths. Islamic scholars in various countries ... have also rejected it. In each case, religious leaders in Christianity and in Islam view human cloning as a violation of God's will ..."
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August 13, 2001 issue
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When you become the parent
Bill Dawley
with contributions from Dee Maymo, Norine B. Jackson, Ilka Leverentz, Kate Anderson, Anna Rowe, Howard H. Lamb
items of interest
with contributions from Gina Kolata, David Brooks, Charles Bickers
When extra help is needed, What comes next?
By Sondra Toner
We're both trying to keep our independence
By Quinci Coates
Taking care of Mom
By Kay Olson
Jane Partis McCarty
Hymns for Grandpa
Jewel Becker Simmons
My jean jacket was a symbol of defiance
By Gwendolyn Joy Forest
It's never too late to learn
By Fay Kallos Fahs
Jennifer Clark
SHREK: What love's got to do with it
By Jeffrey Hildner
Eating disorder conquered
Rosana de Castro
It's important to pray for others
Dee Mahuvawalla
Persistent prayer brings peace
Hank Richter
No more carsickness
Dorothy Faelten
Give thanks!
Catherine Hammond
Hannah and health
Michael A. Seek