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Or would you simply like to learn more about Christian Science?

A worldwide list of Christian Science practitioners who devote their time to this healing work can be found in The Christian Science Journal. A partial list is printed in The Herald of Christian Science. You can find these periodicals at any Christian Science Reading Room. See the telephone directory for the Reading Room nearest you.

Have you had a healing you'd like to share? Or a special experience that brought you closer to God? Maybe you've been wanting to share it with someone else. Send your typed, double-spaced submission and, if you like, accompanying artwork to:
The Editors
Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial
Department, C–42
One Norway Street
Boston, MA 02115–3122

(It's helpful if artwork is done on a computer or with a pencil or black pen on unlined white paper.) We'll enjoy hearing from you anytime!

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Wildlife and Love's demands
January 25, 1999

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