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No more winter blues
As I sit on my porch looking at flowers in full bloom, it seems hard to remember that the same scene was covered with snow just a few months ago. It was the snowiest winter on record in my area and my favorite. No, I'm not usually fond of winter, but this past winter was a special one.
Let me back up a little. After a terrible winter a little over two years ago, I felt I'd better pray about the situation. The bad weather had made me feel pretty depressed. Some days I felt as if I were just surviving until springtime. Although winter would be recurring every year, I knew gloomy, sluggish, or dreary thinking didn't need to.
I feel strongly that God is all good, so if something in my life seems terrible, I can pray about it. God, Soul, knows nothing about partial goodness mixed with dreariness. He knows and provides infinite good.
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February 17, 1997 issue
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Because God is Life
Richard C. Bergenheim
Never side with death
Gary F. Wilson
Error has no history
Jim Fabian
No more winter blues
Molly Mary Virginia Larsen
Morning song
Jane Roberts
What I learned on my quest for riches
Peter O. Ndonga
The excellent things Jesus did
Stephen Graham
Spiritual affection removes burdens
Clifford Kapps Eriksen
Laura Matthews
Marjorie Scott Eichelberger
"Solutions Without Guns or Violence"
by Kim Shippey
Love for others and renovation of the heart
Russ Gerber
It is natural for parents to want the best available care for their...
Sarah Goetze Hyatt with contributions from Andrew K. Hyatt
Man is deathless, spiritual," Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health...
Carla Worthy-Skinner
A few years ago, we were staying with friends in Kentucky
Joy Tegtmeyer with contributions from Betsie Tegtmeyer, John Tegtmeyer
Many years ago, I was involved in an automobile accident that...
Malcolm Drummond