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Don't forget your trumpet
Some time ago I began to observe what types of things Biblical characters carried when they went out on God-appointed missions. Gideon and his people, for instance, took lamps and trumpets (see Judg. 7:16). To me the trumpets could stand for gratitude and a firm expectancy that right will win out in the events of the day.
I have found it is important to choose gratitude to accompany me. Appreciation to God for blessings is a good way to pray while going about a busy day. Just a silent "Thank you, God," brings a rush of spiritual inspiration, flowing right along with whatever activity one is engaged in. Going out with gratitude also means going out with love. When we see others through the eyes of spiritual affection and forgiveness, we are ready to appreciate what they are doing. This love, expressed with grace and joy, is a trumpet of gratitude, possibly even trumpeted aloud.
My mother, like many moms, had her hands full with community work, church duties, and housework. Whenever she went outside to hang up the weekly wash, she would sing nearly a dozen hymns. That was her trumpet of gratitude. Through Christian Science she was learning more of man's spiritual nature as a child of God, good. Since each individual is actually the reflection of Him, she saw she could love even in the seeming presence of hate, gossip, laziness, immaturity, or lack. Trumpeted love and joy can outblast, outlast, and overcome these traits.
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August 29, 1994 issue
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Deepening our understanding of brotherhood
Fay Kallos Fahs
"Sekunjalo"—"Now is the time"
Dorothy Dipuo Maubane
Selfless desire
Ellen Moore Thompson
Don't forget your trumpet
Mary Higgins Reed
"Trippingly on the tongue"
Kim Shippey
You are never alone!
Nancy Joy Potter
The prayer that cannot be prayed too often
Thomas Richard Mitchinson
Starting fresh
Barbara M. Vining
Are you prepared to see significant change?
Russ Gerber
In Science and Health Mary Baker Eddy states: "Thoughts unspoken...
Marjorie Wall with contributions from Brent Wall
Knowledge of the closeness of God has brought such peace...
Margaret C. Argo
God is Love, and through His love I was saved not only...
Seaward B. Grant