To arrive at an unshakable love for the world at large it's vital to understand the spiritually pure and perfect nature of God's creation, of man in God's image.
Reformation and spiritual regeneration must first take place within the individual. Then a more progressive society, given impetus by a new vision, a new sense of righteousness, and justice for all, can follow.
Let's say you are headed out the door. Your thought may be on several things—house key, car key, enough money, destination. Isn't there room for one more thing? Why not a thankful thought?
We are not required to watch, analyze, and try to improve the mortal ego. We are commanded to put it off in favor of our only true selfhood as God's expression.
It was comforting to turn to our Father, the Father of everyone in the class. There was no competition for grades in this relationship, just love and support. I felt a real kinship with these other students.
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